#melvin robert
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louisbxne · 1 year ago
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Extra TV Interview with Melvin Robert at the 2024 Golden Globes
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asoftepiloguemylove · 3 months ago
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PROJECT 7 Time After Time // 20세기 소녀 20th Century Girl (2022) dir. Bang Woo-ri // wave to earth bad // 20세기 소녀 20th Century Girl (2022) dir. Bang Woo-ri // Anaïs Nin Henry And June: From "A Journal of Love" - The Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin (1931-1932) // 20세기 소녀 20th Century Girl (2022) dir. Bang Woo-ri // Foo Fighters Aurora // 20세기 소녀 20th Century Girl (2022) dir. Bang Woo-ri // Dulce Maria Loynaz Poema LVII (tr. James O'Connor) // 20세기 소녀 20th Century Girl (2022) dir. Bang Woo-ri // Silas Denver Melvin pitiful origin // 20세기 소녀 20th Century Girl (2022) dir. Bang Woo-ri // Robert Frost Nothing Gold Can Stay // 20세기 소녀 20th Century Girl (2022) dir. Bang Woo-ri // boygenius We're In Love // 20세기 소녀 20th Century Girl (2022) dir. Bang Woo-ri
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memevile · 4 months ago
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Round two of these simpsons comics bits
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lillyarttoheart · 4 months ago
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Solo whiteboard doodles
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lorax-devito · 5 months ago
I would like to draw everyone’s attention to this again-
I tried to search Mileven again and uhhhh….
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Sorry Milevens but it’s not looking good…
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musicmags · 15 hours ago
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arctictea · 1 year ago
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Some headcanons me and some Tumblr friends share about those 3 !
Cecil likes to wear dresses when it's too hot outside (+ he's such a cottagecore boy)
Bob would be a uni professor as a living (teaching litterature/arts/french ?)
Mel is a trans icon
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d0llh0use-of-h0rr0rz · 1 year ago
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Just 4 clownz looking at each other
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ulrichgebert · 14 days ago
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Des heroischen und beharrlichen Leutnant James Gray Suche nach der im Amzonasgebiet verlorenen Stadt Z erweist sich als extrem anstrengend, nervenaufreibend und langwierig (und zwischendurch müssen sie auch noch in die Schützengräben nach Flandern), sowie letztlich -Achtung! Spielverderber-Alarm!- als erfolglos. Vielleicht aber auch nicht, es darf spekuliert werden, sie haben offensichtlich ihre Water Music auch gelesen und ihren Fitzcarraldo gesehen. Irgendwie fühlt man sich ein bisschen um den Abenteuerfilm betrogen, in dem sie die Stadt finden, obwohl außer dieser alle nötigen Zutaten aufgefahren werden. Das ist aber natürlich, weil alles genau so passiert ist. Zweimal taucht ganz kurz der greise Murray Melvin auf.
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wei-smiler · 2 years ago
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hair braiding👧🏻
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paceypeternathanslawyer · 9 months ago
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The Dick Van Dyke Show
1x01: The Sick Boy And The Sitter
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yuthanagia · 9 months ago
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fanart i drew of buzz osborne fucking dying in a gluetrap
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forensicated · 7 months ago
04X40 - The Silent Gun
Malcolm attends a call at a house after a report of a disturbance. However upon talking to the complainants he realises it's much deeper. Bailiffs had been trying to force the door of a bedsit open when the man inside released several rounds from a gun, injuring one of the Bailiffs hands. Malcolm questions why he wasn't told that a gun was involved and the middle class woman admits she was rather flustered to find out her tenant had a gun. She also forgot to ask for an ambulance and to mention that the man with a gun is still inside the house, locked in his room on the top floor.
Brownlow has a holiday that he's just about to leave for as news of the shooting comes in. Malcolm has a look up the stairs but there's no movement.
Bob. Tony and Derek get their guns and bullets signed out to them by Brownlow and Derek is assigned negotiator. Brownlow will be the scene coordinator, Bob is to be his runner and the others are back up.
The woman tells Malcolm that his name is 'Dublin' and she assumes he's Irish because of his name but she's never actually spoken to him. He hasn't paid rent for 6 months and is rather reclusive. She's been through all the legal routes to get him out but he won't leave hence the bailiffs being there.
Jim is sent to try and get access to the house opposite to gain an observation point. A crowd gathers despite Yorkie trying to get everyone to go home and stay inside. Bob and Derek take up positions with their guns with Derek making his way into the house.
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Derek slowly starts climbing the stairs. He gets outside the room in question without harm and takes a long deep breath in. "Derek, any sign of life?" asks Brownlow. "Just my guts turning over, sir."
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Jim couldn't get in the house suggested as an observation point as the woman he encountered freaked out. He's had to go to the next house along and reports a thick curtain over the window in question.
The firearms boss arrives dressed in a suit and is introduced to Brownlow. Soon after a group of armed police arrive and take over from Bob to allow him inside to assist Derek and Charles. The boss of the firearms is awesome and asks for a canteen van to be brought because he's there to make sure everyone is safe and calm and that the job ends in the same way, however long it takes. If it's not and not everyone is alive at the end - he considers that he hasn't done his job.
Yorkie has to deal with an idiot who wants to leave his house and dodge the police to get to the local shop. He refuses to go out the back, even when Yorkie points out that he's likely to get shot! Thankfully Claire's neighbour is a lot more reasonable and agrees to keep out of the way and in the back of her house.
Derek attempts to make contact with the armed police around him. He asks Mr Dublin if he can hear him and is answered by a toilet flush and Ted making his way out of the bathroom.🤣 Derek tries again but Dublin remains silent. Derek tells him that the bailiff is OK and not seriously injured. He asks him to leave the gun in his room and come out for a chat so he can help him with his problems. Dublin doesn't answer and there's no movement inside. He asks for the man's first name and is still met with silence.
Alec reports to Brownlow that the press would like to come nearer. He refuses and tells Alec to nick them if they try it before muttering to Ted that perhaps they should let them through as the only good journalist is a dead one. The middle-class house owner beams at Charles as she tells him that her brother was a journalist for the Telegraph.
Viv shows Brownlow some post addressed to a Mr Lublin from Poland that haven't been collected. She suggests that the name they've been given for 'Mr Dublin' is wrong and that he's 'Mr Lublin' instead. There's also an old rent book in the same name.
Bob pops upstairs. "... Do you speak Polish?" he asks Derek.
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Technical Support blunder into the house and ask Derek how he's going. Derek tells them he's asked for an interpreter as there's been no movement or response yet. The armed officer's boss silences them all when he hears movement...
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Outside, the canteen van is doing a roaring trade. Taffy asks Claire how you get all the hedgehogs in the world on a single matchbox. Claire has no idea.
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The extra we've been talking about, Bryan Jacobs gets to speak in this episode! He says 'not again' and 'he is!' when Yorkie asks him who's winning their game of cards in the back of the police van.
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Robin moans about how long it's taking, claiming the sooner it's over the better. Yorkie takes Alec a tea, he pouts because it's not coffee and sends him back to get him a sandwich.
The house owner is starting to get concerned that it won't be over by the time two students she tutors are due to arrive at 8pm. Malcolm and Ken make them all jump - including startling the snoozing Ted - by celebrating as a goal is scored on TV. [Very surprised Brownlow doesn't bollock them given what they're there for!]
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Derek gets the interpreter to ask if he'd like a drink, and Mr Lublin continues ignoring them. "Perhaps he's on the wagon." Derek drawls before checking in with the tech guys who tell him there's half an inch to go before their probes are through the wall. "... Let's hope you don't come out behind the wardrobe again." Derek mutters earning himself a glare.
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Brownlow talks to the armed officer's boss who tells him it doesn't matter that they've been waiting four hours, he still needs to bring it to a peaceful resolution. Brownlow points out the streetful of people wanting to return to their homes and an MP moaning about overkill.
Yorkie heads to a local shop to buy a packet of biscuits and speaks to the shopkeeper who tells him that he thought the Polish tenant had gone because he hadn't been in for months whereas before he was a regular visitor for his cereal. Yorkie asks if he ever spoke to the man and the shopkeeper says no, there was no point. He's deaf.
Outside the crowd are getting moody and wanting to return to their homes. One man in particular tries to push his way through Alec. He gets rough and ends up getting bundled into a police van to calm down. Another old lady reports her rice pudding that she left on a low flame might be about to spoil so Taffy is sent in to turn it off!
Brownlow speaks to the armed officers and explains that he's deaf and claims that they've wasted time trying to speak to him. The armed officer points out that if he's heard nothing he's more dangerous as he'd panic and fire at them in shock. The police dog barks at Charles as the man walks off like he's telling him off 🤣
Ted goes over to relieve Jim who has needed a pee for an hour. He reckons they should have gone in as soon as they were in place and took him by surprise and the job now has too much heavy thinking.
Tech are now going for their third set of holes after the last set also didn't work. Derek points out it could be a wall-to-wall bookcase but the man insists he knows it'll be right that time. The heat monitor is also not helping as what is seen could be body heat or also could be a fire! "When you join up those once little holes you'd drilling we can lift the roof up and have a look, can't we!?" Derek snarks.
Taffy tries to get into the house of the old lady and ends up breaking the window of her back door as everything else is locked. He's in the wrong house as he's confronted by two men and finds no rice pudding on the stove.
With no further movement, the officers prepare to go in with a police dog. The armed officers and a light are prepared and Viv asks the lady to stay where she is. They break the door in and push through a barricade to get the dog in before pushing in themselves. Inside they find the dog sat beside the old man who has literally curled into a ball with his hands over his head. The gun is on the bed.
With everything resolved and the old man arrested, the specialist forces leave. Derek and the suspect are mobbed by the press. Jim and Ted watch on in silence with Ted turning to Jim.
".... So what was the score?"
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asterglory1 · 2 years ago
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(this will be updated as new stuff drops!)
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lillyarttoheart · 3 months ago
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The creature
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krispyweiss · 2 years ago
Song Review: Jerry Garcia Band - “Valerie” (Live, June 18, 1982)
When Jerry Garcia dug into the grimy guitar solo on “Valerie” during his eponymous Band’s June 18, 1982, gig in Cape Cod, fans must’ve anticipated a good night to follow.
Forty-one years later, the Garcia Estate must’ve confirmed that as it plans to release the full concert June 30 as GarciaLive Vol. 20.
As lead single - the No. 2 slot on the setlist - “Valerie” is a strong opening card. Tight band. Engaged Garcia. A terrific, rarely played Garcia-Robert Hunter original. And that perfectly toned guitar solo.
There’s nothing the matter with Garcia on this “Valerie.”
Grade card: Jerry Garcia Band - “Valerie” (Live - 8/18/82) - A
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